Itinerary to Betong, Thailand (2D1N)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Theme: 1 Night at Betong (is a town (thesaban mueang) in southern Thailand, near the boundary to Malaysia - Kelantan)
Hotel: To decided upon reaching

1 day (11/6/11)
4:00 am: depart from hostel
Breakfast: depend of elastics of hungry
9:00 am: reach border
1st place to visit: Zon Duty Free/ money change if any
Find hotel: Sri Betong Hotel (depend flexible)
Thai time - 11:00 am: lunch
2nd place: Buddhadhiwat temple complex
3rd place: Betong Kwan Im Temple
4th place: Betong Municaipal Park
5:00 pm: tea time
5th place: World’s Tallest Postbox/ (wish take photo one in Day & one in Night view if possible)
6th place: Betong Mosque
7:00pm: dinner in Betong Town
7th place: Clock-Tower (wish take photo one in Day & one in Night view if possible)
8th place: Betong Museum
9:00 pm: back hotel take shower
10:00 pm: jump out from hotel again, look see look see the night view, find restaurant to have a drink & supper/night market?

2 day (12/6/11)
8:00 am: bangun pagi gosok gigi
9:00 am: Dim Sum as our breakfast:
9th place: Hot spring
10th place: Inthasom Waterfalls (pass by or skip)
12:00 pm: lunch
11th place: Piyamit Tunnel
3:30 pm: bye bye to Betong
4:30 pm: Duty Free Zone (skip)
M’sai time - 5:30 pm –tea break
8:00 pm – dinner
10:30 pm – safe reach home sweet home

***Target:  visit 8 places - take more photo

Preparation: buy eggs
                    : passport
                    : camera with charged/ battery spare
                    : pen
                    : printed paper of the places to visit
                    : GPS
                    : HP Charger and universal adapter
                    : Extra towel for hot spring (to wipe legs) if necessary


Anonymous said...

Consider to stay at Modern Thai Hotel in Betong. We are welcome all group with special rate. Please contact us.



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